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"Do Something" Award Winner Maggie Doyne inspiring the youths through her work in Nepal !

“We have potential to do anything and to be anything. As young women in this world we are truly limitless” - Maggie Doyne, 2009 Do Something Award Winner !

A high school girl, who was still on her teen age, graduated from her high school, Do Something Award Winner Maggie Doyne and desired to make a travel to the third world taking a year break from her school. Her classmates headed off to the college while she was dropped off at the Newark International airport with her backpack by her parents. This is a true story of a teen age girl, Maggie Doyen who listened to her heart and has been working in Surkhet, a remote village of Nepal for the social welfare of Nepalese street Children.

When she made a trip to north eastern India, Maggie Doyen met orphaned and poverty-stricken Nepalese children on the street of India who were displaced by the Ten Years Maoist insurgent war. She then planned to visit Nepal. She writes on her Journal: “I was trekking through the Himalayas in war-torn Nepal, where I began to meet hundreds of orphan children. I fell in love with their bright eyes and beautiful smiles, but was shocked to see them barely surviving without the most basic things that I had grown up with as a child.”

Using $5000 of the money she saved while babysitting, Maggie bought a piece of land in Western Nepal and from the support of local community and the governmental official, Maggie Built Kopila Valley Children’s Home with the following fundamental objectives.
Every child
1. Has the right to stay and grow up in a safe and secure home
2. Has the right to receive Medical Treatment
3. Has the right to go to the school in spite of his parental status
4. Has the right to have the basic food and nutrition to survive
5. Has the right to have proper clothing to
6. Had the right to share the Love and caring from the Family

Because of the good work Maggie initiated, she was awarded as the winner of the Do Something Award $100,000 grand prize, in 2009. She than registered a nonprofit organization, BlinkNow Foundation in US and started bringing back the support and donations she receives there back to Nepal. She recently provides a home for more than 25 Children where they can live, eat, cook, laugh, learn and play. She also sends more than 70 others to school and she built a community outreach program that has already places more than 700 orphans in permanent homes.

Maggie Doyne at the $100,000 Do Something Award Ceromany

“We have potential to do anything and to be anything. As young women in this world we are truly limitless” says Magee . She adds “"I grew up without a clue, If we know what the problems are, what the issues are, I think we'd choose to live our lives a little differently. You can't call us ignorant and you can't call us selfish. And that's the reputation that our generation has to fight against. But what I've seen is that we do care. We all do. And we're all on this path to try to make the world a better place in our own way, our generation. And I think that's what's so exciting."
A huge salute to this courageous gal who has left her country, her family and her school and everything and has been to Nepal to work for the welfare of orphaned and poverty-stricken Nepalese children ! God bless her and may we all the youth have the courage to walk on her line.

If you think you can help Maggie, the founder of the Kopila Valley Children’s Home , who is still in her teenager age but has already become the mother of more than 26 kids. You can help Kopila Valley Children’s Home by any of the following means.

1. You can donate directly to Kopila Valley Children's
2. You can Volunteer with Kopila Valley Children's Home
3. You can sponsor a child from Kopila Valley Children's Home. The cost to sponsor a child is 25 dollars per month or 300 dollars for the year

For detail information please visit . You can alos directly write to her at

More information about Maggie Doyne and her works can be found at :

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[यो प्रस्तुति कतै पुन प्रकाशित गर्नु परेमा स्रोत खुलाएर वा लेखकको पूर्ण सहमतिमा मात्र प्रकाशित गर्नुहुन अनुरोध छ । -सपनासंसार ]


  1. You are the inspiration for the youth, Maggie. I am really proud of you ! Good luck and Take care !

  2. Really a good inspiring story. I admire her courage and express sincere gratitude for her help to Nepal.

  3. Really Really inspiring... Good job maggie... I feel like visiting Nepal pretty soon.

  4. We need to support these kind of organization even small help can make lot of difference..
    the difference that we hope to see...

  5. We need to support these kind of organization even small help can make
    lot of difference..
    the difference that we hope to see...

    I did and found a difference inside me .. what about you..

    See a hope for a change... you will find a change inside you ... and there will be a change that you want to see..

    respect each other and share love

  6. Thanks for wrriting this


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तपाईको प्रतिकृया प्रकाशन हुन केहि समय लाग्ने छ।

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