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Pushpa Mamu, The Mother to the Innocent Prison Children, who were jailed for their parent's crime !

"It's not just about you living, you have to try making your world a better place. If I give them good education and everything, tomorrow there will be less crime. They won't be facing the same thing that their parents are facing. These children have opportunities because they are educated."

A 20 year old girl, Pushpa Bashnet , built the courage to become a loving and caring mother to the innocent children living in jail with their parents who were serving time for their crime. 6 years back, Puspa Bashnet, A student from the Bachelor of Social Welfare, visited the Women’s Cell in Kalimati Police Station, Kathmandu, as part of the her field study, where she met a one year child living with her inmate mother, who was recently transferred there from other town near Kathmandu. She had an instant feeling that the children should not be punished for their parent’s crime, but later found that by law, if the children have no family or place to live outside the prison, they were required to live with their mother in the prison.
Pushpa Bashnet is the one who freed those innocent kids from the custody and with the help of the friends and family, she started a care center called Early Childhood Development Centre, a home for those children, where she sheltered them with food, education and love. "It's not just about you living, you have to try making your world a better place. If I give them good education and everything, tomorrow there will be less crime. They won't be facing the same thing that their parents are facing. These children have opportunities because they are educated.", says Pushpa.
She kept going and with her hard work and individual financial support Pushpa Basnet became Pushpa Mamu(mother). Her team now take care of 34 plus children and provide them food, clothes, education, medicines and all other necessities. Children's happy and healthy faces reflect the motherhood that Pushpa and her team have provided to them.
Part 1

Part 2

Lets join our hands to support this wonderful woman. We are doing a fund raising event pretty soon. Your presence is highly appreciated .

Please , don’t forget to watch her interview taken by the well known journalist, Bijaya Kumar, on the show Mero Jindagi Mero Bishwas !

A web site has been created for the event. Http://
If you want to donate or participate or volunteer on the fund raising event, please do write to us at

Thank you,


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अविवेकी सन्तान

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